Frac Valve

Frac valve was designed for high pressure, large bore fracturing applications. New Grease Less feature enabling greaseless frac operations, while eliminating sand and particle intrusion.  The new design decreases repairs, eliminates NPT, and extends the service life of your valve.

Improve profitability

New valve eliminates the need to grease during frac.

Smaller Body Cavity design reduces operating grease in the valve.

Eliminate the need for expensive greasing units, manifolds, and hoses on location.

Eliminate service techs on location required to grease traditional valves.



Bore5 1/8″~7 1/16″
Working Pressure15,000 psi
Temperature LevelL~U (-50℉~250℉)
Material GradeAA, BB, CC, DD, EE, FF, HH
Manufacturing LevelPSL1~PSL4
Performance LevelPR1, PR2